Submit Your Work

This is not the application for funding. This is for submitting work to be featured on this site. For the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund click here

Join our community of artists, curators, educators and cultural organizations. All forms of creative expression are welcome. We’ll review your submission and post approved content on a rolling basis.

If you’re submitting a video, please upload it to an external website and share the link with us to maintain content quality.

There are many different platforms you can choose from — we like YouTube and Vimeo (instructions available in the linked pages). If you have questions about submitting, please email Kacie Smith at


This isn’t a place for hateful content or the people and groups that promote hateful activities.



That includes:

  • Slurs or negative stereotypes, caricatures and generalizations
  • Support for hate groups and people promoting hateful activities, prejudice and conspiracy theories
  • Condoning or trivializing violence because of a victim’s membership in a vulnerable or protected group
  • Support for white supremacy, limiting women’s rights and other discriminatory ideas
  • Hate-based conspiracy theories and misinformation, like Holocaust denial
  • Denial of an individual’s gender identity or sexual orientation
  • Attacks on individuals including public figures based on their membership in a vulnerable or protected group
  • Mocking or attacking the beliefs, sacred symbols, movements, or institutions of any protected or vulnerable groups identified below